Setting the highest
standards for quality,
maintenance, safety and sustainability in every aspect of our operations
JCDecaux Small Format has become an integral part of Australian cityscapes. Our installers, technicians and cleaners discretely undertake maintenance operations every day. We ensure all assets and public infrastructure are always looking and working at their best.
Our world-renowned
cleaning and maintenance programs remain the most stringent in the industry, carried out to highest standards
As our operations take place in the public realm, JCDecaux is committed to work-place training and stringent safety procedures, authenticated by our WHS Management System AS4801 accreditation. We see mitigating risk as a number one priority, continually analysing and publishing any hazards, near hits and accidents across all areas of our operations. The provision of a safe and efficient working environment is achieved through the engagement of a third party WHS expert who undertakes a biennial audit and provide subsequent updates for corrective actions.
We believe high brand impact need not equate to environmental impact. Sustainable development has been at the heart of our business model, always respecting the people and environments in which we operate. We embrace the principles of sustainable development, reducing CO 2 emissions, managing water consumption and reducing recycling waste. Our assets are also built to last, made from quality, robust materials to maximise their lifespan.
We work towards a sustainable future through design initiatives, such as solar-powered bus shelters and automatic public toilets.