

Reimagining urban infrastructure through digital and smart city platforms


Consumers increasingly expect digital technologies to connect with the urban environment, services and the wider community. JCDecaux is at the forefront of connectivity and mobility across the globe, a driving force for digital infrastructure, data and customer–centric advancements.


Our customisable interactive digital platforms offer residents and city visitors access to information such as maps, tourist attractions, what’s on guides and transport updates. We work with partners to design and deliver interactive digital Smart City services and energy–efficient street furniture featuring touch screens, mobile phone chargers, free WiFi, beacons, telephone services and more.


Digital screens allow real–time messages to reach audiences on a broadcast scale. This flexible, adaptive communications solution can deliver weather, traffic, event, transport and even emergency information for JCDecaux partners and city residents alike.


Our digital panels provide a platform to connect with audiences in interactive, memorable and valuable ways.
Market–leading technology such as LiveTouch, PayWave, motion sensors and live digital feeds support the communication of important community messaging for charities, cultural events, public health and safety.


Located at our head office in Plasir France, the MediaLab is a dedicated think–tank and workspace for over 250 engineers, IT and procurement teams. Here, we continue to review, improve and future–proof our products while exploring new ideas.


In 2011, the Paris City authorities launched an Intelligent Street Furniture project with JCDecaux, a unique opportunity to experiment, offer new uses and test new services for city–dwellers. This led to the creation of six digital street furniture concepts, with a view to make Paris a city that is easier to get around and more accessible to all. In 2012, the initiative received three awards. JCDecaux was recognised for the innovative quality of the furniture, range of services provided, collaboration with multiple partners and outstanding management from design to production.
